Treatment and Therapeutically Services for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Current autism spectrum disorder (ASD) therapies aim to alleviate symptoms that interfere with daily functioning and quality of life. 1 Because autism affects each individual differently, people with autism have unique strengths and problems, as well as diverse treatment needs. 1 As a result, treatment regimens typically involve numerous providers and are tailored to the person. Treatments can be offered in a variety of venues, including education, health, community, and home settings, as well as a mix of these. Clinicians must communicate with one another, as well as with the person with autism and their families, to ensure that treatment objectives and progress are met. As people with autism graduate from high school and become adults, extra programs can assist them to improve their health and everyday functioning, as well as enable social and community participation. Supports to continue school, complete job training, obtain work, secure housing, and transportation may be requir...